Getting a Sperm Donor

Friday, 24 March 2017

Thinking of braving single parenthood, but don't know where to start? Neither did I. My son was a happy accident but when it came to trying again I didn't know what to do. I knew that sperm donation was a thing, but I didn't know anything about it. I soon came to find out that it wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be.

Basal Body Temperature 101

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Probably the most annoying of all the fertility charting methods, just because it's an absolute pain in the backside to do. I had my thermometer tucked under my pillow to use every morning, at 5am, before I got up, and it always took me a good ten minutes to half an hour to get back to sleep. I was then tired for the rest of the morning. However, I can't deny that it was incredibly useful in my charting journey as I could pinpoint when ovulation had occurred with precision.

Ovulation tests 101

Ovulation tests are something I learned about on the internet when I started the TTC journey. When I finally got round to seeing a fertility specialist she seemed to have no idea about what they were. This was surprising to me as they had seemed to work so well for me in this journey and for her not to know was insanity. How many women had she seen and had she told to just keep trying? How many people had she sent away to just keep at it who might not even be ovulating, or who might not be having sex at the right times?

So here I am to tell you all I know about ovulation tests: what they're for, how they work, and how to use them to your advantage.