Navigating TTC Tracking Apps

Sunday, 14 May 2017

There are so many different apps out on the market, google brings up over 300,000 results, and if you've been actively looking up things to do with TTC you'll have noticed that a lot of your ads are targeted towards them now. I often get one on Facebook to do with natural conception which claims to be as effective as contraception by using temperatures. This is the same as what we will be doing to achieve the opposite. Go figure. I always have to stop myself from commenting the same thing on the adverts.

So, to decide on what app you are best off with, you need to decide on what you're going to do. Are you going to use opks on their own? Are you going to use opks alongside basal body temperature? Are you going to track cervical fluid?

I'm going to tell you about the two most popular apps for tracking your fertility signs.


Ovia Fertility

If you are not going to track your basal body temperature then you'd be better off with an app that has a simpler (and slightly more fun) user interface, like Ovia. It is not, in my opinion, good enough to use for tracking your BBT as it doesn't offer a full-month view. It does, however, give you a clear calendar with green boxes for your fertile week, little hearts for intercourse, and the ability to put in a bunch of data from mood to cervical fluids and position. However, as it's not all visible at once in one image, I find it a bit annoying.

If your cycle is regular, however, it is a good app to use that won't have you obsessing over every little detail. You'll see your green boxes and know when to get down and dirty.


Fertility Friend

My personal favourite here! Fertility Friend's basic app gives you the options of tracking cervical fluid, cervical position, opks, basal body temperature, pregnancy tests, and more. These come under the headings of

  • secondary signs, which is your cervical position

  • tests & devices, which is advanced/monitor opks which will give you a low, high or peak fertility reading, your opk strips - or +, ovwatch, ferning microscope and pregnancy tests.

  • specifics, which is all kinds of symptoms

  • medications, which have basic medications

the VIP option will give you little extras on top of that, like the ability to add your own medications and symptoms. While it may seem as if some symptoms aren't to be noted, or you may feel as if you're grasping at straws, I would highly recommend noting them down anyway.



There are actually a huge amount of apps that have the capability of tracking your fertility, from the two mentioned to Apple's health app and all manner of others. It's really a matter of personal taste, I think, and it depends on what kind of interface you really enjoy.

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